How to make mango lassi with yogurt

How to Make a Really Good Mango Lassi with Yogurt

Mango lassi is a refreshing and delicious drink that you can easily make at home. Whether you’re craving a homemade mango lassi or looking for a new summer treat, I’ve got you covered with simple steps to create your own version of this creamy delight.

Creating a homemade mango lassi is a breeze, and you’ll only need a few ingredients to get started. From choosing the right mango to selecting the perfect yogurt, I’ll guide you through each step to ensure your lassi turns out absolutely scrumptious.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a mango lassi adventure, let’s get started on this delightful journey together!

The Origins and Varieties of Lassi

Lassi is a traditional yogurt-based drink that originated in the Punjab region of Northern India and Eastern Pakistan. It has a rich history and is deeply rooted in Indian culture. The word “lassi” is derived from the Punjabi word “lassan,” which means “a traditional drink made with yogurt.” Lassi has been enjoyed for centuries and is renowned for its refreshing and cooling properties, making it a popular beverage choice in hot climates.

Lassi comes in various flavors and styles. The two main categories of lassi are sweet lassi and salty lassi. Sweet lassi is made with yogurt, sugar, and flavorings like mango, strawberry, or rosewater. It has a creamy and indulgent taste, making it a delightful treat. On the other hand, salty lassi is made with yogurt, water, and salt. It is often seasoned with spices like cumin and enjoyed as a refreshing thirst quencher.

Mango lassi is one of the most beloved fruit variations of lassi. Made with ripe mangoes, yogurt, and a touch of sweetness, mango lassi offers a perfect balance of flavors. The tanginess of the yogurt blends beautifully with the sweetness of the mango, creating a delightful taste sensation. It is no wonder that mango lassi has gained popularity worldwide and is often associated with traditional Indian cuisine.

mango lassi

Table: Varieties of Lassi

Lassi Type Description
Sweet Lassi Made with yogurt, sugar, and fruity flavors like mango, strawberry, or rosewater.
Salty Lassi Made with yogurt, water, salt, and often seasoned with spices like cumin.
Mango Lassi A popular variation made with ripe mangoes, yogurt, and a touch of sweetness.

Whether you prefer the sweet indulgence of mango lassi or the refreshing simplicity of salty lassi, lassi is a versatile and delightful beverage that can be enjoyed in various ways. Its popularity can be attributed to its unique taste and the cultural significance it holds in Indian and Pakistani cuisine.

Choosing the Right Mango and Yogurt

When it comes to making a delicious mango lassi, selecting the right mango and yogurt is crucial. The quality of these ingredients will greatly impact the flavor and texture of your lassi. Let’s delve into the key factors to consider when choosing a ripe mango and the best yogurt for your homemade mango lassi.

Choosing a Ripe Mango

For the freshest and most flavorful mango lassi, opt for a ripe mango. How do you know it is ripe ? A ripe mango will have a vibrant color and give slightly when gently squeezed. Look for mangos that have a fruity aroma at their stem end. Some popular mango varieties for lassi include Alphonso, Kesar, or Ataulfo. If fresh mangoes are not available or in season, you can always use canned mango pulp for convenience and consistent taste. The pulped version is just as good.

Deciding on Yogurt

When it comes to yogurt selection for mango lassi, you have a few options. Any plain yogurt will work, whether it’s Greek yogurt, regular yogurt, or homemade yogurt. However, using whole milk yogurt will provide a creamier and richer lassi. If you prefer a lighter lassi, you can choose low-fat or non-fat yogurt. Feel free to experiment with different yogurt types to find the one that suits your taste preferences.

Summing It Up

To achieve the best results for your mango lassi, ensure you choose a ripe and sweet mango for optimal flavor. If fresh mangoes are not available, go for canned mango pulp. When it comes to yogurt selection, whole milk yogurt will give you a creamy texture, but you can also use low-fat or non-fat yogurt for a lighter option. Remember, the quality of your ingredients will ultimately determine the success of your mango lassi.

Choosing a Ripe Mango Deciding on Yogurt
Look for vibrant color and gentle give when squeezed Any plain yogurt will work
Fruity aroma at the stem end Whole milk yogurt for a creamier lassi
Consider popular varieties like Alphonso or Kesar Low-fat or non-fat yogurt for a lighter option

Now that you know how to choose the right mango and yogurt, you’re one step closer to creating a truly delicious mango lassi. In the next section, we will explore the essential ingredients and preparation steps to bring your mango lassi to life.

Ingredients and Preparation

Now that we have discussed the origins and varieties of lassi and how to choose the right mango and yogurt, let’s dive into the exciting part – the ingredients and preparation of a delicious mango lassi. Here is a simple yet fantastic mango lassi recipe:

Ingredients Quantity
Ripe mango (or canned mango pulp) 1 cup
Plain yogurt 1 cup
Milk 1/2 cup
Honey or sugar 2 tablespoons
Ground cardamom (optional) A pinch

To prepare the mango lassi, start by peeling and chopping a ripe mango, or you can use canned mango pulp for convenience. In a blender, add the mango, plain yogurt, milk, honey or sugar, and a pinch of ground cardamom if desired. Blend everything until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.

If you prefer a milkshake-like texture, you can also add some ice cubes to the blender. This will give your mango lassi a refreshing chill. Once blended, your mango lassi is ready to be served immediately, or you can refrigerate it for later enjoyment.

And there you have it – a simple and delicious mango lassi recipe that you can easily make at home. The combination of ripe mango, creamy yogurt, and aromatic cardamom creates a delightful and refreshing drink that is perfect for any occasion. So go ahead, give it a try, and indulge in the sweet and tangy flavors of this classic Indian beverage!

Nutritional Benefits and Allergies

When it comes to mango lassi, not only does it taste delicious, but it also offers several nutritional benefits. Mangoes are packed with essential vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin A, which are important for supporting a healthy immune system and promoting good vision. They are also rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, mangoes are a great source of antioxidants, which help protect the body against harmful free radicals.

The yogurt used in mango lassi provides protein and calcium, which are essential for the growth and repair of tissues, as well as maintaining strong bones and teeth. Additionally, yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy gut and aid in digestion. These probiotics can help improve digestion, boost the immune system, and promote overall gut health.

Despite the numerous health benefits of mango lassi, it’s important to note that some individuals may have allergies to mango or dairy. Allergies to mango can cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. Dairy allergies can result in symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, or skin rashes. If you have known allergies to these ingredients, it’s best to avoid mango lassi or seek suitable alternatives.


  • Mango lassi provides essential vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Yogurt in mango lassi offers protein, calcium, and probiotics for gut health.
  • Individuals with mango or dairy allergies should avoid mango lassi.
Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 150
Protein 8g
Fat 2g
Carbohydrates 28g
Dietary Fiber 3g
Vitamin C 40mg
Vitamin A 500IU
Calcium 200mg

These nutritional values are approximate and may vary based on specific ingredients and serving size.

mango lassi nutrition

Enjoying Your Homemade Mango Lassi

Now that your homemade mango lassi is ready, it’s time to serve and enjoy this delightful treat. Take out some tall glasses and pour the lassi into them, watching as its vibrant yellow color fills the glass. The creamy texture and sweet aroma will surely tantalize your taste buds.

To enhance the flavor of your mango lassi, sprinkle a pinch of ground cardamom on top. This aromatic spice adds a hint of warmth and depth, complementing the sweet mango perfectly. You can also get creative with your garnishes, such as adding a few saffron strands for a touch of elegance or sprinkling some chopped nuts for a delightful crunch.

Whether you choose to enjoy your mango lassi immediately or prefer to chill it in the refrigerator for a more refreshing experience, it is sure to bring you a moment of pure bliss. Sip on its creamy goodness and let the tropical flavors transport you to a sunny paradise, even if you’re just sipping it in the comfort of your own home.

So, sit back, relax, and savor every sip of your homemade mango lassi. Let its creamy texture and irresistible taste transport you to warmer days and exotic destinations. Treat yourself to this refreshing beverage, and experience the joy of making your own delicious mango lassi.


How do I make mango lassi with yogurt?

To make mango lassi, blend together ripe mango or canned mango pulp, plain yogurt, milk, sweetener, and optional ground cardamom until smooth. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later enjoyment.

What are the different varieties of lassi?

Lassi comes in various flavors, including sweet and salty variations. Mango lassi is a popular fruit variety known for its creamy texture and sweet and tangy taste.

Can I use canned mango pulp instead of fresh mango?

Yes, canned mango pulp can be used for convenience and consistency when making mango lassi.

What kind of yogurt should I use for mango lassi?

Any plain yogurt will work, but using whole milk yogurt will result in a creamier mango lassi.

Are there any nutritional benefits to drinking mango lassi?

Yes, mangoes are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, while yogurt provides protein and probiotics for gut health.

Are there any allergies to be aware of when consuming mango lassi?

Individuals with allergies to mango or dairy should be cautious and consider alternatives.

How can I garnish my homemade mango lassi?

Sprinkle a pinch of ground cardamom on top or experiment with garnishes like saffron strands or chopped nuts to make your homemade mango lassi even more appealing and delicious.